Transport options
Hiring a limousine for a loved one’s funeral means that you and your family can be transported in comfort and privacy in convoy with the Hearse or separately. Travelling in a limousine will ease the worry of being on time, traffic & parking. Each limousine can seat up to seven passengers.
Personalise your transport
We welcome you to personalise the funeral cortege, particularly with a strong farming community in our immediate area for example - it has not been uncommon to facilitate a tractor and trailer followed by the family on quad bikes to the local Church.
We can do a funeral in any place, any weather

Horse Drawn Hearses date back to a more traditional time. We have worked closely for many years with a trusted and respected Carriage Master, Ben Ford Carriages, who provides a service second to none.
Something different!

Another popular alternative for the motorcycling enthusiast is Reverend Paul Sinclair's Motorcycle Sidecar Hearses.